Happy July! Summer sure has been splendid, and busy. We visited the Nuchek Spirit Camp last week, and it was great. Kids got to enjoy the cultural activities as well as our science camp classes. We had a science camp also in Nanwalek last month, and had over 40 students participate there! Great job Nanwalek!
We have just finished the final review of the lesson plans, and are adding the updated versions to our website. We also began to put the multimedia DVD curriculum together, and that should be ready by the end of September. We'll keep you posted!
On September 29th, CRRC will be hosting a Chugach regional education event here in Anchorge. The Chugach native region consists of 7 communities
(Tatitlek, Chenega, Nanwalek, Port Graham, Valdez, Cordova, Seward), 12 K-12
schools, and four school districts. Chugachmiut, Chugach Regional Resources
Commission and Chugach Alaska Corporation along with the Village corporations
and IRA's have also a big role in the region's education field. In this event, educators, principles, super intendeds, tribes, community
members and organizations can share their projects and thoughts, and get a
better understanding of what is happening in the region's education. For more information, contact Hanna at 562-1802.
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